The Fourteenth Promise to those who faithfully pray the Rosary is that they are beloved children of Our Blessed Mother, the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ. A sweet memory for me is slipping into slumber to the calm voice of my parents or grandparents as they told me one of many favorite bedtime stories. Many are the times I have fallen into a deep sleep while praying the Rosary. At these times, I feel as though our Holy Mother, is comforting my soul by telling me the story of Jesus. With each telling, a new understanding unfolds or a much needed insight is conveyed. Contemplating the life and virtues of Jesus as I pray the Rosary, opens my heart to receive the graces vital to living a Christian life. Surrendering my will to Jesus with childlike faith predisposes me to be showered with the beauty and truth of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

At that hour the disciples came to Jesus saying, "Who thinkist thou is the greater in the kingdom of Heaven? And Jesus, calling unto Him a little child set him in the midst of them and said "Amen I say to you. Unless you be converted and become as little children, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this Little child, he is the greater in the Kingdom of Heaven. And he that receiveth one such little child in my name receiveth me."
From the Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 18 Verses 1 through 5
Douay Rheims Roman Catholic Bible