Catholic Moms love praying for our children and loved ones ~ discernment, thanksgiving, intercession, petition ~ Armed with the Holy Eucharist, Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Rosaries and Novenas, we are reminded that Saint John Chrysostom said "The Eucharist is a fire that inflames us, so that like lions breathing fire, we may retire from the altar, being made terrible to the devil."
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Prayer and Fasting~Lent 7
Time is a most precious outgrowth of prayer and fasting. My personal experience has been an enhanced awareness of time. It is perhaps more difficult to surrender than food or alms. "First Things First" in this context, means that time spent in prayer and contemplation comes before other activities. Listening to God requires a great deal of discipline. I have become increasingly aware of how little control I have over life's episodes. However, when I put Jesus first, "things" miraculously fall into place. My "schedule" is replaced by God's plan. I may not understand His will, but during times of prayerful fasting He blesses me with the graces I need to accept it. Events unfold according to His time. Meanwhile, I am invited by Jesus to align my thoughts, words and actions with His life, passion, death and resurrection, all of which transcend time. As Jesus leads me step by step into Holy Week, how grateful I am that He has so generously blessed us with the gift of eternity with Him!